Siųsk pigiau - Fit to Travel

How to prepare your shipment:

Imperfect packaging puts your goods, other shipments, and our team members at risk. Your shipment must comply with our safe-packing policy.


Use robust boxes with solid walls and only good quality packaging to protect the content of the consignment.

Use proper sealing tape in an H pattern on top and bottom, and consider strapping heavier boxes.

We can accept boxes up to 70 kg without a pallet, but please put a "HEAVY lift with care" on boxes over 23 kg.


Place heavy boxes on the pallet and stack it tightly together to ensure it is not hanging outside the pallet edges. Strap the shipment with belts and strengthen it using stretch foil. Also, top of the pallet should be smooth and properly prepared for transportation. Non stackable pallet will be charged with an additional fee.

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